A baby boy with two heads was born by Caesarean section at a clinic in Keshobpur, 135 km from the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka.
The baby, weighed 5.5 kilograms, was named Kiron, and was moved to a larger hospital in nearby Jessore city.
Kiron was placed under police protection because hospital officials felt that the baby and his mother, 22, were at risk from the anxious crowd of 150,000 that had gathered to see him, gynaecologist Mohamad Abdul Bari said.
"He has one stomach and he is eating normally with his two mouths. He has one genital organ and a full set of limbs," Bari said.
"He was born from one embryo but there was a developmental anomaly." Bari said.
Babies born with physical abnormalities in Bangladesh and India are often hailed as living gods. An eight-limbed girl named Lakshmi born in India last October was believed by villagers to be a reincarnation of the four-armed Hindu goddess of wealth.
The daily newspaper Samakal said many well-wishers had left money for the baby's family.